Innrita á Vangan


Information about COVID-19

We are currently working on a wage supplement system for employees in the private labour market. We wil be making specific application forms for this system, and they will be available on our website in the near furture.

The employer will be filling in the application forms for the employees, who are entitled to the wage supplement.

You do not have to send ALS a notification of unemployment before the proper forms are available on our website.

It is thus not necessary for people in the private labour market, who cannot work because of the COVI-19, to send ALS a notification of unemployment. The employer will be submitting the applictaion.

There will be a separate application form for the self-employed.

The application will be valid back in time, so people do not need to worry about being too late to submit their application.

Additional information will be available on our website over the next few days

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