Confirm unemployment

Confirm unemployment

One of the requirements for claiming unemployment benefits is that you regularly confirm your unemployment ong Vangin.

This confirms your unemployment status over the previous 14-day period and also that you are still available to the labour market. You are required to provide details of your A-income (income taxed at source), hours worked, employer’s VAT number (V-tal), sickness, leave of absence, vacation plans and other circumstances which may affect your unemployment benefits.

This information helps ensure that you are paid the correct amount for each period.

Required information

When confirming your unemployment status on Vangin, the following information is required:

  • whether you are available to the labour market
  • A-income, including vacation pay
  • hours worked
  • attendance fees and remunerations
  • whether you have taken up study
  • whether you are/have been absent due to illness
  • whether you have taken parental leave
  • whether you are moving out of the Faroe Islands
  • planned vacation dates
  • changes and other circumstances that may affect the payment
The ALS week (ALS-vika)

You are required to confirm your unemployment every other week (ALS-week).

The year is divided into payment periods consisting of 14 calendar days and a maximum of 10 payment days. No payments are made for Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

The ALS week starts Monday at 00.00 and ends Friday at 24.00. The ALS weeks are outlined in the ALS calendar.

Submit on time and correctly

It is very important that you confirm your unemployment on time and that all submitted information is correct. Failure to do so may affect your payment.

Your unemployment status must be confirmed during the ALS week. If, for instance, your confirmation is two days late, you will lose your benefits for two days.

If information is missing, no benefits will be paid out until this information is provided.

Submitting incorrect information or withholding information is a serious offence which may affect your benefits. If you receive benefits that you know, or should know, you are not entitled to, it is your duty to report this to ALS immediately.

Any amount unduly paid to you must be repaid, and you may in certain circumstances face prosecution. ALS may request information from public authorities, employers and trade unions to ensure that payments are correct and lawful.

Submit correct information

It is important to submit correct information to ALS and that you familiarise yourself with your rights and the conditions regarding unemployment benefits.

If you receive benefits which you know you are not entitled to, it is your duty to report this to ALS immediately.

Submitting incorrect information or withholding information is a serious offence which may affect your benefits. Any amount unduly paid to you must be repaid, and you may in certain circumstances face prosecution.

ALS may request information from public authorities, employers and trade unions to ensure that payments are correct and lawful.

The ALS Calender 2024