About the FV card

To claim unemployment benefits through the FV system, you must fill out an FV card. The card informs ALS of your unemployment status at the/your fish factory in the last payment period, i.e. the last 14 days. The FV card helps ensure that the right amount is paid out.

Fyri at fáa stuðul úr fiskavirkisskipanini skalt tú lata inn eitt FV-kort. Kortið er ein fráboðan til ALS um støðu tína sum arbeiðsleys/ur á fiskavirkinum seinasta útgjaldsskeiðið, t.e. seinastu 14 dagarnar. FV-kortið er við til at tryggja, at rætta upphæddin verður útgoldin.

The completed FV card consists of the following information:

  • periods of unemployment at the fish factory.
  • whether you are available for work at the fish factory for the entire payment period or only part of the period.
  • wage, including holiday allowance
  • attendance fees and remunerations                                fundarpeningi og samsýningum
  • days off/holidays   (you are not entitled to unemployment benefits for days off or holidays) nær tú heldur frí/fert í feriu (Her hevur tú ikki rætt til arbeiðsloysisstuðul)
  • whether you have stopped working at the fish factory
  • whether you have taken up study
  • whether you are/have been absent due to illness
  • whether you have taken parental leave
  • changes and other circumstances that may affect the payment

The FV card can be obtained at the fish factory.

How to fill out the FV card

The following section consists of instructions on filling out the FV card. Click on the menu to the left (to do what? Sìggi onga menu).

The fields on the front of the pre-printed card have already been filled. You fill out fields 1a, 1b, 2 and the back of the card if applicable. If the card is not pre-printed, you (also) need to fill out the fields on the front.

Field 1a - have you worked at the fish factory?

Put a cross next to “Ja” (“Yes”) if you have worked at the fish factory for the entire period outlined on the FV card. If you have not worked at the fish factory, put a cross next to “Nei” (“No”). If you have worked at the fish factory only partially, put a cross next to “Partvíst” (“Partially”) and provide details on the back of the card under “Onnur fráboðan” (“Further details”).

Field 1b - have you been available for work at the fish factory?

Put a cross next to “Ja” (“Yes”) if you have been available for work at the fish factory for the entire period outlined on the FV card. Put a cross next to “Nei” (“No”) if you have not been available for work at the fish factory for the entire period. If you have only been partially available during the period, put a cross next to “Partvíst” (“Partially”) and provide details on the back of the card under “Onnur fráboðan” (“Further details”).

Name, address, town/village

Write your name, address and your town/village of residence

Payment period

Write the payment period date. Example: 25092000 - 08102000.


Write the date of your birthday.


Write the payment period number, which can be found on the FV calendar.

Notification of additional work

When you notify ALS of any work you have carried out for employers other than the fish factory to which you are affiliated, provide details for each week worked – hours worked and weekly income in DKK (rounded up/down to the nearest króna), including holiday allowance.

Work outside regular working hours, on weekends and religious holidays must also be included on the FV card.

Other circumstances

Here, you provide the following details:

  • the start date of your work availability at the fish factory
  • vacation periods (time off from work) – note that vacations must be announced with as much advance notice as possible
  • the start date from which you are no longer available for work at the fish factory
  • if you take up study
  • if you are absent due to illness
  • if you take parental leave.

Attendance fees/other remunerations

This field covers attendance fees and other remunerations.

If you have participated in a meeting, write the date of the meeting in the "dagf./tíðarsk." (“date/period”) field and the duration in the “tímar” (“hours”) field. If you have received remunerations, pension payments other payments, write the period for which you received the payments in this field.

Your holiday allowance must be included in your reported income.

In the "Frá hvørjum" (“From whom”) field, write who paid out the attendance fee or remuneration.